Democrats and the exploitations of minorities

iToldYou • 22 июня 2021


The ruling elites throughout the history used to exploit the ostracized minorities or the weakened masses in every culture and location on the globe that I am aware of. In many ways, this phenomenon has been normalized by everyone, even by may of the ones who feel the brunt of this unnecessary discrimination.

The United States Democrats were, and are, not different than other elites who ruled their countries and other peoples' countries, either as the leading party or the opposition. They are always there to say one thing to the cameras and another behind the scenes.

The unknown young black woman in the video below is educating, who seems to be an "awoke" young white Democrat woman, about the hijacking of black people's causes by the "Liberals" from slavery up to today's Black Life Matters:

Dinesh D'Souza 

D'Souza explains clearly with ample examples how the Democratic party is deceiving the American people when portraying themselves as human rights activists whereas in actuality they are racist who uses crowds in a sinister way in order to achieve more control:



Trayvon Martin

Play. It is all a play. Here is how the Neo Liberals used the tragic death of a young boy to advance their agenda, while destroying someone else's life, as if it was a business transaction. As it seems, they will stop at nothing, just like Ram Emanuel said:

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Sometimes, they create the crisis themselves, and sometimes they just jump on the wagon and steer it in their direction and this is what seems so obvious after watching this documentary.

Democratic Party Minorities Dinesh D'Souza Public

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