Following the too many officials' credibility red flags throughout the Covid operation, that are hidden in plain sight, it is quite disturbing to realize that the general public is being manipulated into receiving medical treatment that is experimental and, as we now know, not effective. This is done by mind manipulation technics, like social peer pressure, monetary incentives, and other types of coercion.

From fake crisis actors who instill fear, through blatant lies from opportunistic politicians who steal human rights and appointed officials who consult those politicians, to the sold-out FDA that's funded by the same companies that it is supposed to regulate, all, function in favor of the pharmaceuticals and their bottom line.

In the broader perspective, the pharma-cartel is only a tool used by the Globalists to achieve their 2030 goals described in the UN 2030 Agenda.

Here is one example of how Medical Tyranny looks like:

She was diagnosed in July 2021 (with a serious medical condition), had appointments scheduled in August and again in September.  The results of these appointments were the same. Just days before her appointment she received a call informing her that her appointment had been canceled. Upon asking why the response was that same in both cases: “Your records show that you are not vaccinated. We have vaccinated patients that qualify for that time.” Each time she asked for this information in writing, the response was “that is against our policy.” This goes way beyond medical discrimination this is, by definition, MEDICAL TYRANNY. Government controlling private business. And there are more examples here, here and here.

Study - Separation of power and expertise:

Evidence of the tyranny of experts in Sweden's COVID‐19 responses. From the study:

First, it is a moral tragedy as it treats people differently and even creates a clear status distinction between them. Those of higher knowledge, status, or authority—experts—take it upon themselves, justified by their epistemic monopoly, to both define and solve the problem for nonexperts. The expert–nonexpert distinction, then, is further stratified into “helpers” and the “helped,” where the latter typically have little or no say in the matter, but are expected to only accept what the former have chosen on their behalf—after all, beggars cannot be choosers. The result is a social stratification imposed by the “experts” and fueled by their specific expertise that, despite good intentions, denigrates and dehumanizes those of lesser means. The “helped” are demoralized and often, by the nature of the experts' solution, grow more, and not less, dependent over time.

Second, it is a pragmatic tragedy because the means chosen rarely bring about the end(s) sought: an expert failure (Koppl, 2018). This mismatch between means and ends can be explained, partly, by the “helpers” unwillingness or inability to place themselves in the “helped's” shoes or to properly understand their situation. Their generally acknowledged position as experts, looking at the problem from their purview of epistemic monopoly, gives them the prerogative of drafting a solution that must, by virtue of their superior knowledge and the supposed vantage of science's “all‐seeing eye” (Koenderink, 2014), be better than what nonexperts could envisage. As a result, bottom‐up solutions are disregarded by the expert class and the need for experiential grounding is underestimated or overlooked entirely. The production of a solutionary blueprint is undertaken without recognizing existing and adaptive behaviors and processes.

When the tsar of the medical establishment in the US, Tony Fauci, says: "It's easy to criticize (me), but they really criticize science, because I represent science.", and has no tolerance to criticism and alternative medical bottom-up solutions (treatments like Ivermectin), that is a Pragmatic Tragedy. This tragedy resulted in many adverse reactions and deaths from the vaccines and injuries and deaths from the top-down deadly medical protocols for Covid-19, like the 80% deaths from ventilators and massive deaths in care homes.

Barbara Loe Fisher

The co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) talks about Medical Tyranny and Pragmatic Tragedy in her own words:

Medical Kidnapping

Below is another example of how the technocratic Medical Tyranny is working in the "field". A horror story that can become the reality of each one of us in a world where medical tyranny is a preferred method to control masses:


Justin Trudeau finds the Chinese dictatorship model as interesting:

In a dictatorship, people do not have their rights and natural freedom of choice is not respected by the a-gents of the dictatorship. Coercion and incentive turn into force and the above declaration produces the below crime against humanity.
James Abram from Texas, Dallas, experienced the forced injection while admitting himself to the hospital for a cough:

Yuval Noah Harari - Trans-humanist digital dictatorship

Humans are now hackable animals.

Data might enable human elites to do something more radical than just build digital dictatorships.

By hacking organisms elite may gain the power to engineer the future of life itself.

Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design.  Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design.

... the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud, these are the new driving forces of evolution.


Covid 19 Tyranny Population Control
CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coro… Government’s vaccine push an act of tyranny Stopping the Tyranny of Medical Mandates The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the US - Naomi Wolf Klaus Schwab: ‘Technocratic Dictatorial Rule By A Tiny Elite’ ציבורי

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