Since the end of WWII, false flags are really Americas game. There is a silver medal and a bronze medal in false flag Olympics, US gets the gold, of course. I would say Israel gets the silver and UK gets the bronze ( Richard Dolan on False Flags)
A false flag (FF) is a staged operation by political forces to create a basis for retaliation. It is an old tactic, dating back to the Roman era. However, FFs became more prevalent and sophisticated after WWI with the rise of mass media. The burning of the Reichstag is a well-known example of an FF. Then Chancellor Hitler supposedly set fire to the German Parliament building and blamed it on his most hated political rivals, the communists. Marinus Van Der Lubbe, (communist? or Nazi agent?) was the only one charged with the crime. As a result, Hitler immediately suspended the German constitution, using this act of terror by the communists as an excuse to eliminate personal liberties, including restrictions on the press and anything else the Reich saw fit to "protect the people".

There are so many false flag operations used by governments all over the world to restrict rights and push agendas of control that it is difficult to know where to start. Here I will focus on mass shootings in the US, now a major source of terror in the minds of Americans. It began with Charles Whitman, the "Texas Tower Sniper" in 1966 (2), but it was the Columbine High School shootings that cemented the foundation for what I call the Mass Shooting Monolith. I refer to certain American governmental operations as monoliths because they become pillars holding up the lies, monuments that hypnotize viewers while hiding their crimes, and statues honoring our greatest thieves and murderers. There are Bombing Monoliths, War Monoliths, and Cultural Monoliths, setting great deception and falsities in stone, creating vacation spots and mythology, and drawing one's attention from deliberate atrocities.
There is some debate that mass shootings are FF, but as FF are psychological operations, which are conducted by the intelligence community (CIA or military) and are used to push political agendas and stoke fear in the public, making them more frightened and thus more controllable, I would put obviously staged mass shooting operations firmly in the category of FF. FF are not (necessarily) hoaxes and people who are not familiar with them often think a FF means a hoax. While there are certainly fabrications of events, victims, and perpetrators, FF are often deadly, although there is much confusion as to who died, how, and when.

How do we identify a mass shooting FF? First, we must understand that the media plays a major role in their success. They wouldn't be possible without them. I would go so far as to say they are players in the show. There is "breaking news" followed by a harrowing announcement of the dead and wounded, followed by on-the-scene reporters interviewing those close to the shooting; witnesses, students, parents, doctors, and anyone who might deliver an emotional or authoritative narrative. Often one of the on-air interviewees becomes a sort of spokesperson or is favored by the media because of their delivery. Sometimes they become well known ( David Hogg). There is a number of dead (numbers are important and I'll address this in another post as it deserves more attention) but no names or photos of the dead are shown (too gruesome! Although violence and blood are a mainstay of American entertainment, but I digress). Smiling, happy faces of children though are exploited to the hilt (as in the Sandy Hook and Uvalde shootings). THE LONE GUNMAN is a hallmark of a mass shooting FF. It is always a troubled young man in his late teens or early 20s with a history of being bullied or was a bully, is mentally ill or challenged. Supposedly had a fascination with guns, and lives with a troubled, overworked single mother. We are shown a mugshot as soon as possible, or an awkward, unattractive photo of the shooter. They are known to law enforcement or the FBI (sometimes for years!) and may have minor criminal records and "violent, chilling" social media posts or manifestos (although there are only selective examples shown but mostly only hearsay), There is reportedly violence toward family members, and in the cases previously mentioned, a murdered mother and attempted murdered grandmother. They were on medication or had a mental health diagnosis (Parkland, Sandy Hook, Aurora Co, Columbine, VA Tech). The shootings are almost always accurately aimed at people's heads, and most people do not understand how really difficult that is. Imagine the chaos! People don't sit there and wait to get shot in the head. They run and become moving targets. There are unnamed, faceless victims.(professor, a teacher, the students). If they aren't white men, they are Muslim (Boston bombing, San Bernadino, Pulse, and of course 9/11). Although the recent attack in the NYC subway was a black man,( I have some observations about that for another time), I consider it an FF. Many of the above hallmarks fit perfectly. There are definite patterns aimed at particular groups intended to cause a strong emotional response (white supremacists, Muslim terrorists). Another feature is the mass confusion, conflicting information, and lack of clarity. Occasionally witnesses counter the official narrative (Parkland, Pulse). Sometimes there was some kind of preparedness "drill" taking place at the simultaneously or close to the date (Sandy Hook, Uvalde, 9/11). The photos of victims who survive look staged by crisis actors (Las Vegas, Boston bombing). Sometimes buildings are razed and removed to cover up further investigation and evidence (Sandy Hook, 9/11, OK City bombing, possibly Uvalde).

There seems to be a playbook of sorts used by the operators of FF. There are obvious patterns that can seem strange but we have been hearing about FBI profiles of killers all of our lives. Why would the FBI have someone on their radar and then drop the ball? Didn't he fit a profile? Don't they all? Or are these killers SOUGHT OUT? Recently the FBI arrested a depressed pizza delivery man in Dearborn Heights, Michigan on weapons charges AFTER THEY TRIED TO GET HIM TO COMMIT A TERRORIST ATTACK ( he did sound a bit dangerous, but thoughts and words do not a killer make). This is quite telling and points to human targeting for mass killing operations.(3) Mass Shooting Monolith FF has unfortunately become a fixture of American life. We are left angry at law enforcement and EMS for not responding and we are confounded. The public loses trust and agencies lose credibility. (Not the media, though! For some reason the public lets them off the hook although they neglect to ask the hard questions, willingly shill for politics, never follow up, indulge in sensationalism and exploit emotional interviewees, ask leading questions, and often look disingenuous in their responses.
The latest attack in Texas has all the indications of an FF. In my opinion, it is one of the most confusing events of this kind. The timelines, actions of those involved, INACTION of those involved, undue praise for law enforcement who waited about an hour to enter the building, the disappearance of certain high-level officers, like Police Chief Pete Arredondo, not seen since the day of the shooting, where he ordered police to stand down (utterly confounding), was recently sworn in as a city council member behind closed doors. There are many inconsistencies, many bizarre interviews with supposed parents who didn't know what grade their child was in, or two fathers interviewed for the same child. Mass confusion! Many questions that deserve answers.
Richard Dolan states that FF do not have to be perfect in order to work, they just need to be enough to trigger an emotional response in the public. The thing that is most crucial about FF is that they are staged for control of the populace and political agendas. The Mass Shooting Monolith aims for the control of gun ownership. Because the Second Amendment of the Constitution safeguards the right to firearms, it is difficult to eliminate them lawfully. LEGALLY, locally, slowly but surely, the right to own a gun is being dismantled to disarm the public. It has been a major policy of mostly the democrats to eliminate, or at least severely restrict, access to gun ownership. The Republicans also have a part to play in the divide-and-conquer tactics of Congress and the Senate. Some would argue that the restrictions already forwarded are unconstitutional, those on the Left think not enough is being done, and those on the right dig their heels in. But historically countries have been all but enslaved once the government disarms them. It makes the job of establishing a police state that much easier.
It's hard to imagine that public officials would collude to commit such heinous acts, but they have and they do. It is well-funded and a part of the intelligence community's policies. Once a monolith is built, it takes tremendous effort to bring it down. Monoliths are created to reinforce the lies, misdeeds, and myths of the real perpetrators, and once fixed in the minds of the public, it takes extra courage and willingness to face the truth. The government needs the public to believe they are there to save the day, that they care about us, and that they want us free. Nothing could be more untrue.
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