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As it has been going on for decades, a small group of people, who believe they should rule the world, advances its own agenda using various global institutions toward the end goal, which is a one-world government, ruled by an appointed minority as a Technocratic dictatorship. The UN, which was funded and founded initially by the Rockefeller Foundation is one of those institutions. Another one is the World Economic Forum, founded and run by Klaus Schwab. Those institutions and many others have been grooming scores of young leaders for decades in order to use them as a-gents (who think highly of themselves and submit to their initiators blindly) for executing their tyrannical agenda of world domination.
Here is James Corbett explaining in more detail who is behind the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its not-so-bright past.
The World Economic Forum does not run the world, but in this time of The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution you'd be forgiven for thinking so. Today on The Corbett Report podcast, join James for a wild ride through the murky origins of the WEF's past into the nightmarish future it is seeking to bring about . . . and how we can use this information to better understand and derail its agenda. James Corbett's page with resources.
The Common Sense Show
About Agenda 2030 from The Common Sense Show:
Agenda 2030 Goal #12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Following the planned economic collapse, Agenda 2030 will enforce the most brutal austerity programs ever conceived of, or ever enforced. Just as it was in the Hunger Games movie, all food, water and medicine will be rationed. Inhabitants will be forced to take the Mark of the Beast, the dreaded but largely unknown RFID chip. We are already witnessing the birth of a cashless society. Soon, cash will be banned. Automation will bring promises of unlimited food production. The public will be sold on the widespread use of robots to achieve this goal. It will be a ruse. The goal is to replace human workers with robots. The Globalists will horde the food in order to help wipe out the ‘useless people’ through starvation. Then the population will be forced into a devastating World War III. Subsequently, Ted Turner and the other globalists will be able to achieve their goals of reducing the world's population to a low of 500,000,000.
And here is how those global institutions and the minority behind them are and have been working to achieve their final goal.
Klaus Schwab's school of dictators
Klaus Schwab admits publicly that he groomed the current world leaders, which is probably the reason they all cooperate with him on the pandemic and the Great Reset. Among his disciples are Angela Merkel, Emanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin, Justin Trudeau, and many others. If you ever wondered how the entire world population is aligned with the World Economic Forum's agenda, that is the answer.
Justin Trudeau - Servant of the Queen
And the result of working for the WEF and the Globalists, including serving the Queen of England, is a push back from citizens who ask questions, hard ones to answer without lying. Especially when treating minorities like that.:
The Premier of Alberta exposes the NWO
Jason Thomas Kenney (Canada) exposes the Great Reset and the goals of the people who run it. He also debunks the "conspiracy theory" accusations from the "Liberals" about the Great Reset and testifies that he received from Klaus Schwab his book, "The Great Reset".
Members of the WEF
Here are some of the listed members of the World Economic Forum. The list includes Klaus Schwab's wife and daughter, prime ministers, princes, businessmen, and others from all over the world.
Jeremy Lee
30 years ago, back in 1991, Jeremy Lee tried to warn us about the New World Order Agenda. He speaks about how the forces behind the UN one-world-government have been destroying the small businesses in Australia in order to gain complete control over the economy and means of production. This is the same thing that has been happening in the United States, which has been accelerated during and after the Covid-19 operation.
And even Obama speaks about himself as one of those who worked on the new world order for generations:
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