The Technocrats can only see the world through very narrow lenses that make them see a bright future for a small group of people (themselves) and a dystopian future for the rest of humanity.
Where does the inability, or unwillingness, to see a bright future for all stem from? If you had the Globalists' current control over the world, wouldn't you spend a lifetime to find how to make it a better place for all? I mean, why are the controllers of the world, who are using the governments to enhance their 2030 agenda (and other agendas) since the inception of the United Nations, not stopping hunger with the vast amounts of resources they have? Rather, sending nonprofits to do limited work in places like Africa, just enough to make some change and more than enough to make themselves look better in the eyes of the believers
This narrow vision of the ruler sees humans as a commodity rather than free beings who own themselves. They cannot see humans as non-profitable machines, thus they call us "useless eaters".

"This time, if you're not part of the revolution (creating useful humanoids) fast enough then you probably become extinct".
"Once you know how to produce bodies, brains, and minds, so cheap labor in Africa or South Asia, or where ever, it simply counts for nothing".
In the eyes of the European modern colonialists "third-world" counties exist only as a resource, if they cannot produce for the Europeans something they mean nothing.
"The biggest question maybe in Economics and Politics of the coming decade will be WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THESE USELESS PEOPLE".
Why a group of un-elected rich people from Switzerland and Europe even play with the thought of managing communities far far away from where they were born and conduct their businesses from? Is it the Technocrat within them that pushes it or is it the control freak withing them? Humans create beautiful communities without the need of central management, wether you call it state government, federal or global. 
"The problem is more boredom. What to do with them? and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless"?
They (Africans, South Asians, and others) will find the true sense of life in the moment the colonialists' forces will withdraw their centuries long grip off the indigenous lands they have been forcefully occupying and perverting.

Technology Nano Technology Population Control Mind Control Technocracy Agenda 2030 Public

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