In memory of my sweet mother, who died unexpectedly, three times jabbed, of super-cancer in August, 2022. 

For the longest time, I had a writer’s block and couldn’t figure out why I didn't want to write about CBD. It’s certainly not because there weren’t enough success stories and positive testimonials of my products to list. On the contrary – I’m still humbled by what this beautiful plant can do for people and grateful that God, the Universe, or whatever higher power one likes to believe in put me onto this path. My writer’s block wasn’t so much a matter of a mental block – I KNEW what was on my mind – but more a suggestion of well-meaning people to “better stay away from that topic” and that it could actually hurt my business… A topic that after three years of terror everybody seems to be ready to quickly forget and leave behind without looking back. 

But... I can’t. I just really, really can’t. Back in the 80s in Germany, I had a teacher named Mr. Arneth. He taught German and History and he loved my essays and my ability to argue a topic already back then; he encouraged me to write more, complimented my creativity and I truly have to thank him for a great many things. But in History class, he didn’t think that I, nor we, as a class, took history seriously enough. He actually yelled at us one time after we were tired of being pushed through the horrors of the Third Reich YET AGAIN: “You think this can’t happen again?! It’s happening right now SOMEWHERE in the world! Do you think this can’t happen again here, in Germany? It CAN and it WILL, if you don’t pay attention and recognize the signs!” 

The passion and volume of his voice as well as the redness of his face must have been so engraved in my subconsciousness that it emerged in the beginnings of the CoNvid with such a force that I often thought to write him a letter and thank him for yelling at us that fateful day – if he is still alive. And oooh! Did I ever recognize the signs! The propaganda of the media – all regurgitating the same false narrative and hammering it into people’s minds – the toxic echo chamber to poison and brainwash even the most hard-core, self-proclaimed critical thinkers. 

The ticker band at the bottom of the screen, continuously updating Covid deaths, was fearporn at its finest. Anybody clinging on to life – and who doesn’t, since the instinct to survive is THE fiercest of all – was eager to do whatever was necessary to escape death from the virus that supposedly dropped people dead and overflowed hospitals. And while most cowered in fear and submitted their minds blindly to the “authorities” (authoritarian forces), some turned off the TV and sought out voices that didn’t promote the aforementioned fearporn. In lockstep with mainstream propaganda, there was a concerted effort of massive censorship – the modern-day book burning.

Doctors like McCullough, Kory, Cole, Mercola, Marik, and others who had successful early treatment methods very early on in this “conning of the world” soon became staples of sanity and my go-to for medical advice via countless of podcasts, first and foremost THE HIGHWIRE. On the outside, however, they were being censored, ridiculed, de-licensed, and denounced on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Google et al. 

So when CoNvid – or whatever it was – because the Koch Postulates were never confirmed – hit my husband and me, we were prepared, because I had (previously shipped from India) Ivermectin on hand to stave off the worst blow. Other signs were the dehumanization through social distancing, the interruption of discourse through ‘stay at home orders’, and the entering into (yet again) an era of mass psychosis. Mattias Desmet laid it out perfectly in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism. It’s a great read that others tried to discredit and failed at miserably. This sign was most visible in the wearing of masks/virtue signaling – a measure that I instinctively rejected, because of a minor phobia of restricting my airflow, rebreathing toxins my body is trying to expel, and suffocating. 

But oh wow! How so many people just went along with it was beyond me! I think that I was in the lucky position to live in the middle of an Amish community that didn’t play along either. According to one of my Amish friends, there was “’ something’ going around in their community, they all had ‘it’ nobody died, life went on…” No TV, no CoNvid for them. And in this weird way of THEM not being afraid, I lost my fear of getting ‘it’ as well. God give me the grace to accept things I can’t change… In this craze of mass psychosis, however, there were those, who would have gladly sent “The Unvaccinated” to the new version of concentration camps, suggested denying them medical treatments, promoted and enforced harsh travel and work restrictions, would have liked to exclude them from society and would have giddily seen them die. 

The unbridled brutality of some politicians’, influencers’, and Hollywood celebrities’ statements can’t be forgotten nor forgiven without a sincere sense of remorse, acknowledgment of said unbridled brutality, a heartfelt apology, and/or, in the worst cases, judicial accountability. Stew Peter's Indict-Try-Fry seems reasonable for those, who orchestrated the whole CoNvid. Ironically, some of the minor offenders have since died or suffered vaccine injuries themselves. But to be forgiven, they just HAVE to come back to be humble humans, instead of the pack of bloodlust-frenzied hyenas some of them proved to be. They can’t stay in a state of self-righteous hybris and continue to act as if they are still doing good for grandma and grandpa and are just “following orders to benefit society.” 

Pausing for a moment, stepping back and looking at the whole picture from a bird’s view should have sufficed to see a repeat of the persecution of the Jews (The Unvaccinated), climaxing in the repeat of “Show me your papers (vaccine passport), please!” The biggest disappointment, undoubtedly, was my home country, Germany. Had my classmates, and anyone else for that matter, NOT EQUALLY been yelled at by Mr. Arneth?! Were they too much in the middle of ‘it’ to see what was happening? If you ever wanted to know whether you would have ‘gone along’ with the totalitarian regime of Hitler, NOW you knew – IF you wanted to know, that is. The diary of Anne was ideologically and symbolically smutted, stepped on, and burnt by those, who would have gladly called the cops on the unmasked, the unvaccinated, and the different thinkers. 

One of the German derogatory terms for ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ is ‘Querdenker’. And while it’s supposed to insult, it actually is a compliment. While everybody thinks one way – preferably straight ahead -, the Querdenker thinks lateral. And while the running joke in the US is that it takes about six weeks for a conspiracy theory to come true, with an ever-thinning margin of time, lateral thinking is desperately needed to get us out of this mess. Create a state of confusion – then offer the solution by restricting individual liberties. It’s such a simple yet brilliant, but evil scheme that I’m surprised in a horrified way that not EVERYBODY sees right through it. Confusions like Transgenderism, Racism, War in Ukraine, Climate Crisis are all artificially hyped up to cover up the fact that laws are simmering under the surface such as The Restrict Act, which is The Patriot Act on steroids; the takeover of medical emergency protocols by the WHO, which calls for the submission of ALL countries and giving up their rights of sovereignty to usher in the New World Order, CBDCs and a world of surveillance that would make George Orwell and Aldous Huxley as proud as well as horrified to see their fiction become reality. 

Don’t fall for the CoNvid again - and you can bet that they will double down and try again soon, while the scars of your emotional trauma wounds are still red and fresh - while the memory of fear is still fresh. Think lateral – don’t let mass media tell you what to think and how to think. Be fearless – we are all just spirits having a human experience; so what if you lose your meatsuit? Be bold – listen to those, who were censored. They were the only ones, who consistently made sense and not ONCE had to pedal back because they always followed the path of the truth. Become a fighter – defend those, who can’t defend themselves, first and foremost our children, but also the elderly, so many of whom had to unnecessarily die alone. God give me the courage to change things that I can change… 

“Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Just let it loose and it will defend itself.”

 I forgot, who said that, but I love it. Seek the truth. See the truth. Speak the truth. If you think that my juxtaposition of CoNvid and the Hitler era is not appropriate, don’t just believe me, but rather listen to the powerful testimony of Vera Sharav – a Holocaust survivor. As we wake up from the daze that the totalitarian abuse and very often personal loss has caused, we need to move into the accountability phase. We can’t let those, who hammered “safe and effective” into our fearful brains, get off scot-free. 

As the Twitter files, numerous FOIA requests by ICAN, and other efforts to work through the past three years show, the EVIL players always knew what they were doing. Albert Burla, the CEO of Pfizer, for example, knew via his own studies that the jab was neither safe, nor effective. Nine pages of side effects that he did not want to see released for 75 years. Thank God for the judge, who did not let this happen.

 Hundreds of thousands, with a dark figure that might go into millions, are suffering from side effects from “a vaccine?” Certainly only after the three-times-revised and perverted definition of vaccine. Bio-weapon? More likely… Nobody knows yet how to deal with the multitude of side effects exactly. We have to SEE those people, let them TALK, acknowledge them, and heal them in any way possible. No matter whether they gladly stood in line for the jab, because they trusted the authoritarians or were coerced and threatened to take it, we owe it to them to fight with them so that those, who pushed the jab will pay – financially as well as in a court of law. Nobody deserves the suffering they intentionally released. We need this. We need Nuremberg 2.0 – but preferably without Operation Paperclip in its wake this time… I really felt that I HAD to say this – write this off my chest. Bee Hempy my friends, stay healthy in love and in peace.


التعليقات (1)

Aviad Giat
Aviad Giat

I am so sorry about your mom dear. They killed her just as they killed my dad. Getting rid of the elderly was their first task with depopulating the planet and getting rid of people who do not produce for them anymore.
Various influencers spoke about killing the elderly, including Jacques Attali, a Globalist and a special consultant to the president of France.

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