Ukraine media lies

Aviad Giat
Aviad Giat • 5 марта 2022

<p><span id="dropcap">A</span>s the world's attention shifts from Covid to Ukraine, the media and their Globalists owners <a href="/aviad-giat/blog/msm-covid-19-fake-news-and-hypocrisy">keep on lying</a> to the public in order to serve the <a href="/aviad/blog/all-wars-are-bankers-wars" onclick=", '', 'resizable=yes,status=no,location=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,fullscreen=no,scrollbars=yes,dependent=no'); return false;">private central bankers</a>' agendas.&nbsp;All that while destroying Ukrainian people's lives, blaming the Russian dictator, as they did with every&nbsp;head of state who tried to shift away from the US Petro-Dollar and sell oil (or simply trade) with a different currency.</p>

<p>Here are the current lies.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Those who followed the Covid operation closely and did minimal research to find the truth behind the scare-mongering of the media and the government knows that Myocarditis (and endless other diseases) skyrocketed in young people is a result of the Covid-19 vaccines.</p>

<p><img alt="" height="302" src="…" width="752" /></p>

<p>It is therefore not very difficult for the naked eye and bare ear to see through the most outrageous lie and mind-manipulation perpetrated on the dormant humans recently by the MSM, which is that "<strong><em>the Ukraine invasion is causing Myocarditis":</em></strong></p>

<p>"Correlation does not equal causation," said CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. "But this time it may. The nation is currently reeling from an uptick in myocarditis cases as Russia invades Ukraine. Honestly, we really can't think of anything else in the world that could possibly be causing this." Why Anderson does not think about the <a href="…">vaccines as the cause</a>? Does he have any reason to follow the pharmaceutical companies' narrative that the vaccines are safe, while proven above any shadow of a doubt that they do more harm than good? Let's just say that CNN is deep in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, that such unconscionable ideas can be thrown in the air just to gaslight gullible&nbsp;followers of the MSM.</p>

<div class="media_embed" height="360px" width="640px"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360px" scrolling="no" src="" style="border: none;" width="640px"></iframe></div>

<p>A compilation of images of fake news using crisis actors that were distributed by the MSM of the Ukrainian conflict:</p>

<div class="media_embed" height="360px" width="640px"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360px" scrolling="no" src="" style="border: none;" width="640px"></iframe></div>

<p>Another compilation of images and videos that turned to be fake news. There is also some older fake news from war zones demonstrating the fact that we have always been lied to by the MSM and the people who pull the strings behind.&nbsp;</p>

<div class="media_embed" height="360px" width="640px"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360px" scrolling="no" src="" style="border: none;" width="640px"></iframe></div>

Ukraine Fake News Lies Media
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