Resist the global Eugenic agenda

Aviad Giat
Aviad Giat • 22 апреля 2021

It is easy to sink back to the indoctrinated shiny road to Auschwitz, by just complying. They lure us by easing unconstitutional and inhumane restrictions THEY came up with.

Isn't it ironic that they feed you with something that harms your immune system more than anything else, after they compromised it with their lethal shot, telling you: it is FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION! Be obedient, follow Simon and you'll contribute to the communal effort. I wonder when it was said before... Yes, Nazi Germany.

When you tell yourself or someone tells you, how can it be, that everyone would have known about it if it was true, send them to learn some not-too-far history of the Third Reich and how everyone complied with the government.
We are as easy to mold and re-form as room-temperature Play-Doh. The Eugenic controllers know that (from Nazi horrific experiments on humans and their psychics) and use it excessively and, as you see all around you with your friends, family and colleagues, successfully. They are the masters of social engineering and population control. They are not Jews, Christians, Muslims, and obviously not Buddhists. They do hide behind religions and exploit them for their own selfish and sadistic reasons though.

They do their social interventions using perverted deception methods and mind manipulation techniques. Your TV is their prime tool for that and those who watch TV or listen to "public" radio stations are currently under their hypnosis, and chances they will stay hypnotized for their entire lives.…

American Eugenics and Nazi Germany never died, they changed their name and went on for generations only to become a Global monster! Hitler never worked alone. He had the financial backing from American companies and organizations well into the Second World War. Some of his scientists (600) were brought to America to work after the war. What with? Among other topics, with populations' mind manipulation (MK Ultra).

When a dis-ease has a 99.7% survival rate and they close all "non" essential businesses and forcibly drag people into poverty for that small percentage, YOU should be alarmed. All the red bells have been ringing for the last year like crazy and ONLY hypnotized humans would not have heard them. That is why we shout at you loudly - WAKE UP! Because you defending the actions of the Nazis is a clear proof that you are still sleeping.

Activism Health Agenda 2030 Politics Eugenics Public

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