The true face of Zionism captured in one video!
Watch as this rabbi repeatedly tries to control the interview (Zionism = control of the narrative), resorting to ad hominem attacks when he can’t defend his position logically. He plays the victim with crocodile tears, all while working behind the scenes viciously to silence his opponents like a true manipulator.
Notice how he gestures with palms out, symbolically dismissing and canceling others. Even when the truth is right in front of him, he denies it over and over again, as if it was not said in front of millions of people.
Another tactic: attacking the interviewer personally to make him uncomfortable and steer the conversation. Talking over others loudly and aggressively, cutting off opponents to derail their thoughts—this is yet another hallmark of Zionist debate.
This is what Zionism does at every opportunity: dismissing non-Zionists with false or half-truths, deflecting attention from the real issues, and focusing on personal vulnerabilities to sway those who don’t think critically to their direction. As the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense—people forget the accusations against you when you launch the next wave of ad hominem attacks.
It’s like watching a cult member defending the undefendable.
The hardest truth for Zionists to accept is that no one hates Jewish people simply for being human-loving individuals, as most Jews are. Just like any other people. In the absence of real hatred, they will manufacture it to gain victories. As history has shown with false flag operations, which is a tactic they’ve used for decades.
For example, Israeli intelligence "convinced" Iraqi Jews—who didn’t want to immigrate to Israel—to flee to Israel by bombing at least three synagogues and blaming the Muslims. Another recent example is the October 7th infiltration of Hamas into Southern Israel in 2023, which every child in Israel understands that it was NOT negligence rather something very "fishy" happened there. And let’s not forget the USS Liberty false flag, where Israeli forces massacred 34 American sailors and wounded hundreds more to drag the U.S. into war with Egypt. Zionist-controlled Wikipedia still downplays it as an "incident," deflecting from the truth: it was a brutal, vicious massacre of a supposed ally. If they do that to a friend, imagine what they’ve done to their enemies. This brings us to today, where after less than a year, over 18,000 children and 40,000 adults have been murdered in cold blood in the Gaza Strip—a place that has gone from an open-air prison to a concentration camp, and now, an extermination camp.
Reminds me of other times in recent history, that Zionists would hate to be compared with. Nevertheless, Zionists brought upon themselves this comparison by committing their atrocities against the indigenous Arabs since 1948 and before. In fact, the first terror organizations were Zionist ones, the same ones that in 1946 planned bombs in Kind David hotel in Jerusalem and killed 91 people, injured 46, and paved the road to more "incidents" like that which we haven't seen the end of since then. Of course, every good Zionist will blame the Arabs for the horrific wartime situation in the Middle East, which is exactly what one would expect them to do knowing their ways.
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