7 universal laws

Aviad Giat
Aviad Giat • 3 декабря 2024
  1. Law of Divine Oneness: Everything in the universe is interconnected; every action and thought affects the whole.

  2. Law of Vibration: Everything vibrates at a specific frequency, and these vibrations influence our reality.

  3. Law of Correspondence: Patterns repeat throughout the universe; the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

  4. Law of Attraction: Like attracts like; positive or negative thoughts bring corresponding experiences.

  5. LLaw of Cause and Effect: Every action has a reaction; our deeds have consequences.

  6. Law of Rhythm: Life operates in cycles; understanding this helps us navigate change.

  7. Law of Polarity: Everything has an opposite; recognizing this duality aids in understanding life's contrasts.

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